Hi Red
Your experience fits exactly what I would have expected. I suggest you get the lad to remember how those changes felt, thus, when he needsto get more grip at the rear, he'll already know two methods that can improve rear grip. Therte are LOADS of other methods.... tyre pressures being the most effective!
Next, get him to notice the concept that front/rear grip is a bit of a trade-off. If the rear grips well, it CAN make the front LOSE grip.
However, be careful!!!!... Many people will tell you the way to (for example) remove understeer is to do something which REDUCES the grip on the REAR...... that's daft....! Yes it WILL have the effect....... but it may make you SLOWER!
For example... one way to reduce rear grip would be to spread BUTTER on the rear tyres...... that WOULD reduce rear grip and it WOULD reduce the understeer...... but it would NOT make you faster!
So.... when you get understeer (or any OTHER effect) try to find ways of INCREASING what you NEED rather than REDUCING the 'mirror' effect! I this example, INCREASE the grip at the front WITHOUT sacrificing REAR grip FIRST! Only when you have done EVERYTHING to INCREASE the front grip should you consider reducing the rear-grip to get the effect you wanted! You will be staggered how many people will give you the 'other' advice..... without having thought about what they are saying!
Next, beware of people using 'lazy' language. Loads of people will tell you that you can have 'too much grip'! That's UTTERLY IMPOSSIBLE...... Think about it... can you IMAGINE Red Bull saying to Adrian Newey.... 'we have too much grip....'?????? That will NEVER OCCUR!
The problem is often that people say 'too much grip' when what about 50% of them mean is too much REAR grip....... and that's COMPLETELY different! Make sure you ONLY listen to people who are CLEAR about what they mean so that you can see if it makes sense. If it isn't clear, ask them to explain what they mean by the terms they use!
By the way..... you sound as though you are going about this stuff in EXACTLY the right manner! Kp it up! Especially the 'having fun' bit!