I appreciate your concern about my son crashing, and you are correct that it could take years to overcome that crash as we often speak to a teenager who was on top of his game until he was flipped in a high speed corner 3 years ago. These days, he is still reserved in high speed corners and is rarely on the podium anymore.
The corner that I picked for brake practise has a lot of space (blacktop, then gravel, then grass, then tyre barrier) so he should be fine if going off the track. In fact, we early on gave that turn its own name (Stormer, after some Lego monster) so we could discuss it before and after a session, instead of: "you know the corner after the straigth after the..."
Anyway, I put cones on the turn-in, apex and exit on each corner, and will now put cones on the braking points as well.
Point is taken on the slow in - fast out approach. Rigth now we are on the slow in - slow out approach, but working to improve that :)