you can ignore me if you like, that is fine, a lot of these "experts" though are so old the last time they saw a cadet it was wooden! if you can find a good honest person (and believe me they are very very few and far between, esp. if your boy is a good driver!!) but i have tried alsorts of set ups ,huge extremes ,loose seats floor trays hanging off ,stiff bumpers ,bumpers hanging off with shoe laces! no matter what we have done the driver has made the difference, yes he has come in and complained the kart has felt awful, but the times rarely vary by more than 3 or 4 tenths so until you get to that point just let him get on and have some fun.we are now in our 3rd year and have had trophies now at almost every race weekend now for around 15 months which i mostly put down to not messing with the kart and letting the driver get on with it (and not reading all the threads on hear by these old karting meglomaniacson here!!!)