i never said honda was cheap, lets be honest most people who are running in this class are spending £2k plus on there engine! my point is that it doesn't have to be. you get me wrong, i prefer 2 strokes for karting all day long,(thats why we do minimax). but the original discussion was comer v's honda. in my mind the wtp was the winner by a mile, it just a much better engine. 'fact' the politics of karting killed off the class!!! the honda is a crap industrial motor!, but it does a job, and does in well. hassle free! the comer is a crap industrial motor! it does a job, but its a lot of hassle. make no mistakes, comer has got another year, tops, the new iame engine will have its teething problems but the msa will make it the fastest class, its in their interests! the wtp was a much quicker engine, it soon got restricted down to be slower than the comer. why do you think its being tested against the wtp at pfi now! dont be suprised if you dont get a restrictor and another 3kg on lead! cadets is cheap compared to junior, ive spent more on tyres in one month than i did in cadets for a year, but thats not a 2 stroke thing. i think your the one wearing the rose tints!!!