When your doing the test you need to change one thing at a time. By lowering the pressures you might have made the kart handle a lot better, but by adding the seat stays you could have made it handle a little bit worse and the net effect was a marginal improvement.
If it was me I would do three tests on three different pressure settings without the seat stays.
Then do three tests on the three different pressures with the seat stays
I would also advise you to send your lad out on pressures that he doesn't know about. This will remove the placebo effect. It will give you an indication of whether there is true time to be found or if the problems are all in his head.
Another thing you need to take note of is the time of day of the test and the air temperature and if possible the track temperature aswell.
When your going out doing back to back test sessions it's very tiring and by the end of the day your pretty knackered so bare this in mind when carrying out the tests. Many times drivers plonk the kart on the track and the lap time they set in the first practise session is the lap time they end up chasing for the rest of the weekend.
If all else fails take the engine away for a few days, paint a red blob on the engine and bring it back and tell him you've just spent £10,000 and had the engine re-tuned by a pro. Then watch him fly ; )