I don't know ANYONE who thinks it's a well written rule! Any rule that is NOT enforced is a bad rule. It's THAT simple!
The problem is that we, as KARTERS, should be having an input into the rules. Any rule that's contentious should be looked at again EACH year and changed until it IS worded as the majority of us want.
The 'safety' rule, like ALL safety rules, is NOT for you..... it's for the idiots who CAN'T behave safely. I am sure you'll tell us you CAN do so....
Like all the other safety rules, e.g., speeding, drink driving, crash helmets... they MUST be applied to EVERYONE to prevent the stupid from killing themselves and others. I know it's a pain but ALL safety rules are like that! The tyre 'cleaning' rule is just like the other 'safety' rules..... a pain but ESSENTIAL!