No David....... this is the error your making. Rules do NOT need to be 'interpretted'! They need to applied to the LETTER..... and then changed where the anomalies arise.
It's THAT simple!
The current rule DOESN'T work and it should be changed to one that WOULD work, e.g.:
"No tyres may arrive or leave the dummy grid at a higher than 'ambient' temperature taking into account natural warming of the sun or other reasonable weather conditions."
That's a first rough draft which could be improved with only a little thought!
That would STILL allow drivers to 'clean' their tyres as they wished BUT would prevent them racing with pre-warmed tyres! I assume that's what we all want.... isn't it?
Don't 'interpret'.... re-word ALL the rules until they 'do' what they were DESIGNED to do!
That's EXACTLY what will happen to prevent Merc running the 'cheating' DRS system in 2013! It's what F1 has ALWAYS done!