You are missing the point.... YOU, as the (supposedly) 'quicker' driver have the D*U*T*Y to drive BETTER and PART of the that is to be able to ANTICIPATE what other drivers are going to DO...
If you CAN'T anticipate... then you are NOT a s quick a driver as you THINK you are!
Kart Practice days are NOT a Formula One Qualifying session! They are (often) O*P*E*N practice days where the race-boys are ALLOWED to attend! You simply have to DRIVE that way! If you cannot, then make sure you ONLY practice at days that are attached SOLELY to race-entrants (if you can FIND such days).
Being brutal, unless you can pay to hire the track on your own, then you are NOT good enoughy to justify a 'restricted' practice days.
Now, look at it fairly.... I am probably more 'qualified' to race than YOU are (if by years alone!). Should that allow ME to insist that YOU are not allowed out when I turn up for practice????? (Please note, I am suggesting this BECAUSE it's RIDICULOUS..... not because I think it SHOULD happen!!!)