Third visit for us and have to be honest, the worst one. didnt seem to be any 'buzz' about the place. I spent £8 in the car boot on impulse buys that may have saved a few quid but TBH i didnt really need to buy them. I will give it a miss next year unless theres some really desperate specific stuff i cant find anywhere else, we were looking also at new chassis but there wasnt many good show deals on that opened my wallet. We made a couple of tours around, listened to the one specific talk on TKM by Talko- which did give us a specific idea of something to try - and this for us was the highlight of the day - was out of there before lunch wondering why we went. I would suggest that a new venue may be needed to give the show a lift - it should be at a track where you can pre arrange test drives and see the kit in use, also it might be an opportunity for some of the service providers to provide 'clinics' where you can take your kit along for minor service/repair. It should also be summer time, outdoors, sunshine, feelgood factor, opens wallets easier. just my two penneth.