Lisa, if your son won the Cadet libre club championship then he would get the Cadet perpetual trophy for a year and one to keep. If he gets a trophy place in the championship he will get a trophy. After the previous complaint to the MSA the club was forced to amalgamate all the Cadet classes to one championship and in any case the separate Honda championship at that time was barely big enough to have a perpetual trophy. It seems the club can't win either way round. All credit to your son for coming second, the points when I get them will reflect that, no-one can take that away from him and his excellent drive. He was second in the race - points given and shown on the results sheet - and was 1st in Honda - 1st place trophy given.
We can't just change the regulations that have been in place all year which you signed up to depending on who is highest in the results. We can change the regulstions for 2012 but I suspect there would be complaints either way round unless there were always sufficient entries for separate grids which is unlikely.