Before I race I always take an old F1 spoiler I have down to the sea and swish it around a bit. I then distil some of the sea water and drink a pint just before setting off. The water obviously has a memory of the downforce produced from the spoiler, which in turn transfers from me to the kart by kinetic b***ocks. The other advantage of this is, if I find half way through the race that I'm too slow and need to reduce grip to go faster, I can just have a p**s out the side of the kart.
I also like to pray to god or some other imaginary friend before racing and find this helps my lap times no end. I once forgot to do all this and spun at the first corner. What more proof could I need?
I hate to give all the karting secrets away, but it also has a huge effect if you stick a seat stay up your a**e pre race. Definitely a bigger effect than bolting it to the side of your fibreglass seat.
I also learnt off Uri Geller how to rub the axle to make it more flexible, stiff, soft, different frequency or some s**t, which I can guarantee has at least the same or less effect than reducing the tyre pressures by a full one thousandth of a psi.
Using these techniques (all the fast people do I’m sure) even my dog could win races. My dog is of course the reincarnation of Ayrton Senna. I always had a 'gut feeling' about this and I was proved correct the other day when he bit a small French man with a big nose.
Having said all this, I still doubt reversing tyres makes any difference.