Move all weight backward.......
Buy 4 cheap (£7) Asda/Argos/Tesco type bathroom scales. Find as float a floor as you POSSIBLY can! Place 'kid' with helmet etc. in kart on scales, weight and write down.
Move scales and kart around, turn kart around and do as many 'combinations' of direction and 'order' of scales as you can. Take the average weight for each 'corner'
Add all 4 average weights = Total Add two rear average weights = rear
weight distribution =
rear divided by total multiplied by 100
That will give rear percent, subtract from 100 to give front percent.
Is the measurement within the 40% front:60% Rear to 45% front:55% rear range.....?
If not, move all heavy objects rearwards until within that range.
Ideally (I would recommend) nearer the 40:60 in the dry but 45:55 in the wet..... however, it's been 12 years since we raced any sort of cadet so don't rely on me as 'gospel' on this....