Here we go again..... just explain what you MEAN by:-
".... there is a limit of how much grip a certain level of power can handle before it slows the lap times"
Explain, in simple terms, what it IS about the increasing grip which makes the kart go slower after a certain point. Please keep Tinkerbell/Tipping Point out of this! I want to know the reaction you think starts to get worse by so much that it negates the extra cornering speed. You have to remember that increased cornering grip (excluding the extra braking grip and traction that high grip tyres will give you) delivers faster lap times becasue of at least THREE improvements...
1) Higher corner speeds mean that you don't need to slow so much under braking as you can enter the corner at a higher speed.... thus can brake later, saving lap time. 2) You pass through the corner more quickly, saving further lap time 3) You exit the corner at a higher speed (Carried through the corner) and thus you are travelling faster down the next straight .... saving lap time.
That's 3 time-saving-effects simply froam faster cornering from gippy tyres. If you add in better braking and better 'traction' (in high-powered karts)... we could call that FIVE time-savings just by getting more grip.... then there has to be pretty damned ENORMOUS negative-effect that can cost you GREATER than those '5' gains!
You also keep missing the point that, if you had EVER arrived AT this 'tipping point' where more grip makes you slower, then you'd never accept 'my' 'super tyres' on that day..... and yet, it appears that you WOULD accept them. Doesn't that tell us that, so far, you have never got NEAR this 'tinkerbell' point? If THAT'S the case, can you confirm that you have never said 'We have too much grip....'?
I am NOT trying to be rude or horrid! All I am doing is trying to show you that you already KNOW you have never had too much grip and thus it's not likely you'll meet that point in the near future, either!
It's something that has started to be said about 7 or 8 years ago when the 'buzz-word' of the day was to talk about 'release'.... again.... nobody explained exactly what it was of how it HELPED if you had a chassis that DID release.
It's not the only 'magic sponge' in karting.... e.g., look back about 4 years and follow the BIZARRE hype over Magura brakes. These 'buzz words of the year' have been around since the 1950s in karting.... As soon as you analyse the 'problem' or the 'solution' you find that there never WAS one! Tinkerbell flies off!