If you've ever raced cadets you'd realise that you can have tyres that are simply too soft.
The limit in the higher powered classes is generally the point where the kart two wheels through corners and you have no setup options left to balance the kart. However, a good driver will drive to the tyres ability, not their own, and will take the grippier tyres, drive so they stay on three/four wheels and use the extra grip to reduce braking distances.
However, cadets is a totally different ball game. The point where you simply can't corner any quicker is reached very quickly, they barely brake anyway so there's no gains there and the motor responds very badly to a gripped up kart. It is not uncommon, amongst the novice drivers especially, for them to pickup so much Rotax rubber that the kart grips up, the pace drops by seconds and, in some cases, the engine siezes.
I'd rather not assume, but I'm guessing neither you nor QOT have run Cadets? If you haven't you should make it a priority as you'll learn more doing that for one year than in all the years of karting yourself and, in many ways, the rewards are higher.