Corporate Karts and Pro-Karts look similar.
However, you need to think about how they are used and thus, what they were designed to do.
A racing-Pro-Kart is designed to win races. It is therefore as light, grippy, flexible and it can be fragile to the point where it only NEEDS to be able to finish an endurance race without breaking down.
Most people will be racing them at a maximum of once per week. The owners will be expecting to rebuild the kart frequenly (once a week/months) or, at least, throroughly service the kart (oil, adjust, clean, polish, measure and check) for every race. The engines will be rebuilt with meticulous care many times in a year.
The person owning the kart will be (one of) the drivers of the kart and will care DEEPLY if it gets involved in crashes.
However, a corporate kart is not the same. The owner wnats to hire out the kart at least 5 times a week (and possibly MANY more times than that) and it'll be driven by people who have only used karts a couple of times in their lives. The drivers don't own the karts and don't give a DAMN in the paint gets chipped or they crash into other karts etc. etc.. The drivers will be handing the kart back at the end of the race. The owner does NOT want to keep repairing the karts as paying mechanics and paying for all the spares is EXPENSIVE. He want to be able to use the karts again and again with ZERO work being done on them. Work cost him his profits. 'Work' is related to the amount of damage done to the kart, thus, he wants a kart that is solid enough to withstand repeated impacts, etc..
The corporate karts are only racing against karts also owned by the same person. So long as all his karts are roughly the same speed, it does NOT matter to him how fast the karts are.
One the other hand, a Pro-Kart RACER cares very MUCH how quick it is..... he is racing against other people and he can be easily beaten if his kart is not every BIT as quick as the other karts.
On a coroprate kart, the SLOWER it is, the less damage they will suffer in each accident so it's in the owner's interest to make his karts as SLOW as possible.
Engines are often more powerful the higher they rev. They also wear-out MUCH faster at higher revs. Thus..... the Pro-Kart-racer is DELIGHTED to rev the engine..... but the corporate owner wants to keep the revs as low as possible to make the engines last longer between rebuilds.
A ProKart racer wants tyres that are as grippy as possible and he won't mind (much) replacing the tyres reqularly so that he can beat his competitors. However, a corporate kart owner only wants tyres that will LAST as long as possible..... and that usually measn they will only want to use 'hard' tyres that produce less grip. So... cororate karts use less grippy tyres becasue they will last MUCH longer than grippy ones.
So..... adding all those thoings together...
The corporate kart has to be stronger (to withstand the bashing they get)...and that measn they have to be made heavier because they need to be much stronger than ProKarts.... and that means they will be slower than ProKarts. The engines should be as slow as possible (and still be attractive to drive) and the tyres should be as long lasting as possible which also means they will have the lowest grip.
The Prokart racer wants a light, flexible, high grip chassis, runniong the most powerful engines that he can use with the most grippy tyres he's allowed to use...
As you can see.... they LOOK the same but they are designed for differenmt purposes. Those differences mean that a racing Pro-Kart is VERY different when compared to driving ta corporate kart...
So far... you have only driven corporate karts... you don't yet know how light, flexible and QUICK a well-set-up Prokart can be!