this come back to an old debate, of which should the seal be got riden of.
The problem now is this work wreck the livleyhoods of many engine builders. Which like it or not is a bit harsh, If the seal was never there to start with it wouldnt have been a problem. but now its to late.
Im not a great fan of teams being given sealing status, not because they can build "monster engines" but because all teams can do the same, and are unable to offer the same service to their customers. I would love us to be sealing agents and would be able to provide better deals to my customers, but again if every team can seal, where is the line drawn and each time an agent is apointed it dilutes the business tht is already there.
As for the monster engines arguement, i think the fact that the top drivers are always winning at club/S1/Euro/Finals should be enough for most to see that the driver is the key!
the only real solution i see is some sort of buy back system, so for example at anypoint you have to sell your engine for say £2500 which gives you enough to buy a brand new one and some chang for your hassle..
But somthing tells me theres more chance of the seal being ditched.
Lee MLC Motorsport