Does that mean that you are calling for everyone to do TKM 2 stroke (or 4 stroke)? Because there aren't THAT many 'British' engines OTHER than those two.
Of course, when I was 'alive'..... it was Zip Zed, the Upton Manx, the Hewland Arrow and the TKM family.... which were ALL British.....
Why? Because karting had a HUGE following because it was SIMPLE and FUN.
Why did the Brits have SO many excellent kart engine manufacturers? Because the engines were SIMPLE and POWERFUL and CHEAP to create! Any decent engineering company could produce a good one.
With the current karting regs.... the development cost of a competitive kart engine is out of the range of viable risk/return equation!
While we INSIST on silly, over complexs, over-tuned, over-subtle engines.... who'd be DAFT enough to develop ANOTHER one? Look what the-powers-that-be DID to Tal-Ko over their 4 stroke!! No one is going to make THAT mistake again!