Hi Guys I have been floating around a reading all the very informative threads over the past months, to be honest I have been using the search facility a bit like an online Haynes manual. I have had various hobbies, but as the kids have got older mine have had to take a bit of a back seat, well that was until they got into karting, we now have three karts 2xTKM’s, 1xWTP Cadet and a garage that resembles a F1 garage…well probably not, but you know what I mean. That’s the intro bit, now for the questions.
Just fitted the TKM Extreme engine D/D to the 2006 Intrepid Silverstone chassis, I did a little homework with reference to sprocket and chain sizes etc… but have hit a little hurdle (probably not a hurdle to the experienced karter). I worked on an 88 rear sprocket with a 10 front, so I added the two = 98 and then added 10 for my chain length = 108. Please don’t think what kcid head, should I be treating this as gospel, or do you just add and take out links to suit? The reason I ask is that using the above the engine mounts sat on a cross member and would not allow me to tighten the clamps, the chain would have had to be longer, achieved my adding links. Also when lining up the rear sprocket with the front, done by using a steal ruler as a straight edge (please don’t cringe) and a good eye…lol, I had to move the rear carrier along the axle, my concern is that I have moved it along too much as I can now see a lot of the locating key, will this be OK?
Appreciate any help. Thanks