30-11-10 Version2. OK, I have now stripped out the banter and added/changed the proposals were comments have been made on Karting 1 and UK Karting.
The MSA to provide only a standard licensing and regulation system The ABKC should be directly responsible for clubs and take more of a leading role as to how those clubs are run. There is currently too much variation between clubs as to communication with competitors, requirements from competitors, quality of information available, entry procedures, posting of race results etc.
The ABKC website should be setup to provide all news & notices applicable to all clubs, as well as providing minutes of all meetings and communications with the MSA etc. Every club should have a standardised website within this allowing club relevant news, race results, championship tables, race entries etc to be administered. All drivers must be registered with their club via this system and enter races via this system (this will confirm that everyone is a member of at least one club, which isn't necessarily the case now) whilst providing at least two forms of communication. This will provide a fantastic means of communicating with competitors and getting direct feedback from clubs and competitors alike. ARKS Test – Should be free, managed by each Club, consisting of two parts;
1. A safety test, computer based multi-choice which must be passed with a score of 100%
2. A driving test where the driver must hit a target laptime based on say 80% of the best laptime of the day - these lap sessions to be completed at lunchtime and supervised by the Club officials and must demonstrate good safe kart control as well as the target laptime.
No limit to the number of times a driver can take these tests, once both are passed then a certificate is issued by the Club and the MSA use this as evidence to issue a licence.
Kart Classes – No sealing of engines, all engines can be machined / modified to meet a class engine fiche. This will allow all engines to be matched in terms of performance and give back some power to the scrutineers which will also reassure the club competitors that a fair contest was had by all. It would also help with maintenance costs for those with the skills to undertake their own maintenance.
All classes, to allow any chassis which meets MSA technical regulations, this will allow all competitors to change class by just changing their engine package.
No new engine classes to be introduced until independent tests have demonstrated that the engine will complete 20 hours of race competition without any major maintenance at all. Major maintenance defined as replacement of any engine parts, minor maintenance items and frequency must be defined in the engine manufacturer’s fiche.
This control will ensure that each new class will be of good basic design, reliable and have a reasonable maintenance costs when raced.
New classes to be trialled by the Clubs, ‘as a guest class’ on application by any manufacturer which meets the above requirements and has published an engine fiche and a set of class regulations approved by the ABkC – that would allow the likes of the Aixro a grid if the numbers are really there locally. This would also allow any Club to run one ‘guest grid’ per meeting and this would then be used as evidence at the end of each year to change the regular grid slots, for instance if the guest class numbers exceed say senior Rotax then the club would drop the senior Rotax Class and adopt the previous year’s guest grid as a permanent class. Perhaps this should be done nationally to give new classes a chance and help retire old engine classes gracefully?
Tyres – The MSA to seek a tender for one tyre each for Cadets, Juniors and Senior direct drive classes with a maximum retail price of £65 + VAT for a set of four with the tyres also available in single units at £17 + VAT. Super1 etc to use the current tyres, to allow all drivers the opportunity for instant progression in International events, but all UK Club meetings must use the new tyre(s).