You really do live in a DREAM world, don't you!
95% of karters are NOT racing at the sort of level you CLAIM to be! The ones who come here to ASK advice are not usually in THAT sort of league! They are BEGINNERS, mostly! Most of the requests tend to be about SIMPLE things! Although those seeking help here are HOPING to get into that league.... we ALL know 95% of them are only DREAMING of such things when they are at the stage where they need help from US!
However, if you'd care to explain EXACTLY and SIMPLY how 'Joe public beginner' is SUPPOSED to gain your level of knowledge of fluid dynamics (and thus carbs), to the level where it would HELP our 'readers' then I will applaud you LOUDLY.
Make it even simpler, tell us:-
1) Where to get these 'standard' tables 2) How to interpret them 3) Then codify the knowledge/experience (that you CLAIM to have) to enable others to convert the tables into useful 'choices'
Remember, you need to make it AS comprehensive as John's software and as simple..... according to you (I think) it should be a PUSH OVER as it's basically just 'standard tables'...... Funny you haven't chosen to PUBLISH or DIRECT our readers to these tables.....
You... I DO think you are strange..... You put on this air of one who ‘knows’ but would MUCH prefer to TELL us how much you know rather than SHARE that knowledge in any useful way!
Try sharing with the readers SOME of that knowledge that you claim to possess!