You are at it again....... simply FORGET what other people 'like'! Set you brakes to suit YOU.... not the rest of the karting world!
If you want to increase the ability to 'lock-up' then it's SIMPLE!
1) Glaze-bust the disk and pads. Use good emery cloth on each side if the disk in a Radial direction. The disk should now have a 'matt' finish looking a bit like a catherine wheel! This can require considerable 'elbow grease'! Stick emery cloth to a flat surface and then rub the pad-faces on that flat cloth until they no longer have a 'shiny surface'. Clean all components with compressed air and/or brake cleaner. Never let the pads contact a RUSTED disk (the rust can get 'embedded' in the pad!). If the disk is rusty, clean it with emery BEFORE you drive it!
2) Make sure that you have set the gap between pads and disk as SMALL as possible WITHOUT letting the pads drag. (If there is such an adjustment or availabilty of shims on the OTK)
3) Set the brake pedal and heel stop so that your foot is comfortably 'vertical' (so you won't need to stretch your toes too far to get FULL braking) If you foot needs to bend BACK or stretch too far, move the heel stops until you DON'T have to. Not got heel stops? Why the HELL not?
4) Ensure the caliper lever is as near to vertical just before the pads touch the disk (if you have that adjustment).
5) Move the pull cable/rod DOWN the pedal and the master-cylinder-lever! This will hugely increase the leverage you are applying to the system and it WILL let you lock the brakes unless you've done something 'daft' somewhere else. Your pedal 'travel' will INCREASE but it's worth it if you are not getting enough brake-force at the moment. The increased 'travel' is the reason why you need to set the pedal so you foot is comfortably near vertical throughout the braking to ensure it wont need to strectch too far
6) (Err... this should have gone earlier in the list.....) Bleed the brakes using the correct tools, remembering to tap and shake the master-cylinder and caliper to dislodge air bubbles. Also make CERTAIN that the brake bleed nipple is at the VERY top of the caliper. If you need to tip the whole kart to GET it to the top.... then do it!
That should TRANSFORM your braking! If you find you dislike the long-pedal-throw that it's given you, move the cable UP again.... but remember, that will INCREASE the amount of force needed to lock the brakes, again. However, if you moved it down the pedal AND the master-cylinder-lever, you can compromise by moving it up just ONE of them! Move these until you are happy with the long-throw/force compromise!
Try it: your problems will be SOLVED! And, it will have been at ZERO cost!