Don't take my comments too seriously! I was aware that you were having a laugh!
I too, would like a go on one.....however, there are LOADS of people who SERIOUSLY think these things ARE quick and are 'better' than anything we 'poor, sad, go kart drivers' have built. Not least the bloke who built and it spent (he claims) over SIX THOUSAND on it.....! And some of those sort of people read this web site!
My reply was NOT a condemnation of yourself (or Spice) but was a general, 'beware' comment!
It does look better built than most of these things, though....... but £1900 would buy you a VERY quick kart with only a 125cc engine!
Strictly, my comment was more of a: 'don't underestimate what we karters ACTUALLY race'....
Kind regards to you, sir.