OK. A more serious response than my first one.
Regardless of people thinking so called common sense provides answers, it doesn’t. We can use common sense to form reasoned theories that we can then test.
If we take lbsf1 for example. He has used his common sense i.e. his knowledge of physics etc. to form a theory. I could reasonably counter this theory in many ways and conclude we shouldn't wear a neck brace.
We would then have two theories with opposite conclusions. One of them might be right or they both might be complete rubbish. We could get people with more expertise and they might produce more reasonable theories, but regardless of quality they would still need testing. I doubt that any theory in this case could be reliably tested. It appears to me that the problem is to small to test reliably.
The bottom line is that, as when we started the discussion, we have no reliable statistics or evidence to show whether it is more safe or less safe to wear a neck brace. Comments such as 89cc, however well intended, are absolutely meaningless. He has no way of showing what he personally believes is true or not, or even probable.
It seems we have a propensity for 'belief' when we are unable to show any probability. When it comes to safety we go completely mad on it. It might be life or death, and it might be your son, but if reason can't show probability one way or the other it is pointless to conclude anything, except we don't know. Lack of knowledge might cause deaths, but made up knowledge is just as likely to.
What isn't reasoned in is difficult to reason out, so it is unlikely I will change anyone’s belief. But I still think the question you should ask is, why do you use a neck brace?, not which one.