With the emphasis on driver safety these days and the steady improvement of crash structures, clothing and circuit design, don't you think it's about time we moved away from open to closed wheels on karts and race cars ?
The vast majority of serious accidents that happen in karts are as a result of wheel to wheel contact. The same can be said for open wheel car racing.
Is it a case of waiting for the death of a competitor before people actually acknowledge that open wheels are antiquated and dangerous and there is a call for the rules to be changed?
I think rules such as the rear tyres need to be proud of the side pods are based on an unrealistic assumption that it will stop drivers ‘rubbing’. As we all know it doesn’t, just look at the black rubber marks that will be on the side pods of every single kart!
I know some would say it's more spectacular but then you wouldn't say touring cars or Le Mans was any less spectacular would you ?
I'd be interested to hear your views on this subject.