Whatever you do, don't win races for a while, or everybody will assume its the benefit gained from a change in the carb dimensions from the corrosion and there will be an outbreak of "carb weathering" bandwagon jumpers Then it will be a few months before S1 / FKS step in and say that you can't weather your carb and have to buy a new carb for every round from them and it has to stay in parc ferme in a sealed (damp!) bag. Another few months, and MSA will insist that you now can't clean your carb at all and have to strip it down to prove its "uncleaned" before every heat in all MSA races, The following spring, Rotax will step in and offer a new "pre-weathered" carb that will perform "as well as a good old carb that has been selectively weathered" Finally, the tuners - sorry - Fisching and sealing agents - will buy these in their hundreds, selecting the very best, that will turn out to be better than any old carb ever was... (Even more finally, then John S will have to re-calc all the Jet tech algorithms to suit !)
On a serious note - A sonic washed carb will very quickly become covered in white powdery oxide if you don't WD40 it or force dry it with heat / air, and Aluminium oxide is pretty stable, so unless its some caustic material that has come into contact with the carb and etched it, just sonic / solvent wash it, WD40 it and the carb will be as good (or better!) than before.