First thing to look at are the results for cadets at these two clubs to see how you compare to those lap times. you will find a difference of 2-4 seconds between drivers fastest laps anywat. Compare your times to some of the slower drivers as that is quite realistic given your drivers lack of experience. Generally the comer engines will be quicker because the WTPs have a restrictor fitted. This is because the comer is the official engine for the British cadet championship and other cadet engines are controlled to make them slower - but not by 2-3 seconds a lap. If you are not entering races then you could run your WTP without the restrictor but your 2-3 seconds will mainly be in your driver and also possible in your set-up depending on how much you know about set-up. What these three drivers need is track time. You could consider hiring Rowrah for a day or two. The cost is about £150 per day plus £30 per driver so with the three of them you would be looking at £80 each for a full day of exclusive track use - they could do 200+ laps easily which probably equates to several test days at most clubs. If it is wet (not torrential) then send them out on slicks - they will spin but will also learn kart control. Driver coaching can help but initially I would go for the track time as i think you will be pleased with how much their times improve during the day - and make sure you keep records for every session - revs (max and min), lap time, tyre pressures,sprocket etc.