JamboH…. finally you’ve been rumbled….
Always wondered why you have only ever seemed to make a posting criticising the Super 1 coverage on this forum and not made any other meaningful postings.
You now make comments that appear to be bigging up the Kartmasters programme yet make no mention of the fact that much of the programme was out of focus! One camera was out of focus for the ENTIRE programme, and others suffered badly from the same problem from time to time. You have previously made many comments criticising technical camera work in the S1 programmes at every opportunity, yet seem not to have noticed this? You noticed a few dark shots, yet never noticed the (lack of) focus which went on throughout the programme?
All this suggests you are not all you seem to be….. not exactly an objective observer.
At one point the O plate in the cadet race was overtaking someone, and then it cuts to a different part of the track with four karts off…… and he was one of them!…. A complete editing disaster, yet no mention of this either.
So… how EXACTLY does all this make the Kartmasters programme more professional?
The graphics in the Super 1 programme are far superior to most other motorsport programmes, never mind karting, and Alan has been in the sport for years and understands it, so would not be likely to make the same mistake as Ben about the S8 plate, although Murray Walker made a career out of it I guess. I suspect it’s a heat of the moment thing. The S1 programmes are certainly a bit more rounded in terms of interviews and features, but this is probably due to it being a series as opposed to a one-off event maybe.
As for the quality of the picture, they both seemed the same in that respect, suffering equally from the typical Motors TV broadcast quality. Having watched the S1 programmes on DVD, the image quality is better than the broadcast by a mile, and I suspect Kartmasters on DVD will be the same.