i used vega tyres all last season in my club racing ( we have no regulations as such, atleast not like msa ones) so i was allowed to use a variety of tyres. the vega tyres i found were pretty good grip wise, but didnt last to long (maybe 4 meetings) and went off very fast, i used red's oranges and greens, all were the same really.
i used mojos, and have used two sets now. both sets lasted 8 meetings each, and still have enought rubber on them for a good few test days now! from the first meetings to the eighth the difference in lap times was hardly noticeable, the mojo slicks also work well in damp conditions i found, when its to dry for wets but nto fully dry for slicks, the mojo's worked better than the vega's. the mojo wets are also alot better then the vega wets!
i really cant fault mojo tyres at all