Hi Robbie,
Looking at their website and regulations it looks like a special meeting run over a Sunday and Monday for Honda classes only. The bits below have been copied from the regulations on the site:-
3. Competitor eligibility - Drivers must be fully paid up members of a MSA approved kart club affiliated to the Association of British Kart Clubs and in possession of a valid MSA kart licence, minimum National B. Licences and club membership cards will be inspected at signing on. 4. Eligible classes; Honda Junior, Honda Senior, Honda Senior Heavy and World Formula. The ABkC numbers 1 – 9 for the Honda classes will be contested over this meeting. The numbers 1 – 9 awarded to the World Formula will be recognized at S2 championship next year. The numbers may be used at ABkC clubs (or in the case of World Formula at Super 2 Meetings) until the results of the 2011 championship are declared final, or the end of 2011 whichever is sooner.