My son took part in this race meeting, he also drives a honda and was also involved in the accident at the first corner in the final. Firstly I would like to wish Rory,William and Kathleen a speedy recovery. I would also like to say a special thank you to all the drivers and parents that have sent their wishes to my son, especially Stephanie, Kathleen,Alexa and Huggy. I must say we have been overwhelmed so thank you all so very much as it has made the whole experience so much easyer to deal with. As for the number of karts on the grid, I have seen this kind of incident at kim with only 9 cadets on the grid. If its going to happen it will happen no matter what the number. Its not worth blaming the drivers,dads and teams as it is a sport that is inherent with this behaviour,you have only got to look at Vettel and Webber. However I beleve if the marshalls and clarks etc were able to rely on video evidence to back up any indecision these incidents will most certainly lesson. All clubs and circits could easly generate the funds for this tech if they put their minds to it. Talking about funds, I must say it was very nice of us honda drivers to pay for the trophies that the comer drivers won. What a shambles!!! I dont care what you call it if you have a different class, its a different class and by definition should have its own trophies, number dictated by number of drivers. These trophies are very cheap compared to the subs we pay and there should have been at least two if not three for the honda's as there was seven for the comer's. The club can hide behind the "Libre" heading as much as it likes, this does not change the facts, this is the first "and last" time we have been in a Libre event where different classes were not recognised. Its a disgrace and the club should be ashamed, taking money under false pretencies is wrong. I would not have entered my son if I had known this was the case and I know many of the other honda parents feel the same. Come and entre a race were you have no chance of wining or coming even seventh and we will charge you £80 for the privilege. Well done HKRC you kept that one under wraps. Perhaps you could put the monies raised from us hondas and WTP's towards the video equiptment!!.