The point is the choice is yours Shigster mate. The two options C100 and Club racing are not mutually exclusive. I own my own kart too now but as SlowOli says C100 is a great introduction. Itpro is wrong though about the differences in the C100 karts. They are all remarkably equal. Yes of course there are some minor differences and very, very ocassionally you might get 'a dog' but even if you own your own kart unless you know exactly what you are doing with set up and tuning (which compared to the guys who have been doing it years - you won't believe me!) I would say that the difference in kart performance and handling is likely to be a lot less in C100 than if you race at your local club with your own kart. And you can be sure of one thing: that no matter how much money you have it will make no difference to how you drive. Chequebook success simply isn't an option in C100! The bottom line is this: For £162 you can race in C100 sprints or if you get on the C100 forum you might even get yourself an enduro drive (even better value than sprints!) To be competitive in club karting you will have to spend a lot more than that to even get on the track (your ARKS test will set you back £85 for starters.) With C100 you can suck it an see for a relatively small amount of money. If you don't like it you won't have spent much money at least. If you do then by all means go full on and buy your own kart, etc.
One other advantage with C100 is you get to race at a variety of tracks - this year among others: Llandow, GYG, Whilton Mill, Rye House, Ellough Park, Bayford Meadows, Buckmore Park. OK there's the extra travel but then if you make a weekend of it that's part of the fun! This year we are even racing in Belgium at Spa Francorchamps!
I was in exactly your situation 2 years ago and took the C100 option. I have absolutely no regrets and now have my own kart too which I test and will probably race competitively next year. Try C100 - if you can get in - it is very much oversubscribed but they will put you on their waiting list and there are always a few cancellations - you won't regret it I assure you.
And yes I am the one and only Pink Panther!