It MAY be a pile of rubbish but NOTHING you have said is a definite GUARANTEE that it is! Don't panic, yet!
Sidewinders were RENOWNED for breaking 'welds', especially around seat stays. It became a JOKE beacsue it happened so often. That did NOT make them slower... they could still be quick after regular, and repeated, repairs to the seat stays!
Brazing (if done well) is actually a BETTER way of joining metal (in some ways). Welding uses MUCH more heat and can 'damage' the metal either side of the weld. Brazing, done properly, doesn't do this!
Next... so long as the breaks aren't in the MAIN chassis... then it's not THAT important! The bit's you (seem) to have listed are NOT 'structural'.
Kart's lose their paint: period! It does NOT alter their performance one FRACTION! When I was a young, a BARE chassis was a sign that you were a 'works driver' getting the VERY latests mods... and DAMNED cool!
The fact that he tried to cover the weld is just a PAIN..... it may not show that he tried to disguise the age of the chassis.
We can only judge if you have been 'ripped' when you DRIVE it and we know the price....AND we know what he SAID about the kart in the advert. If it REALLY doesn't match the description, then you DO have the right to make a claim.... even though that might be tough. If he said it was PRISTINE, unscratched and never welded/brazed...... However, we don't know WHAT he said so it's hard for us to judge, yet.
Anyway.... take it CALMLY.... it may NOT be a disaster!