I have spoken to Zip as I am sure many others have. They seem to feel that unless there is an alternative type that has been tested and proven to be better in some formal way they would be opening themselves up to more criticism if that they introduce another product which then created other similar problems. Not my way of thinking about it but I “kind” of see a point.
In my view the MSA have the authority to enforce a change and have not done so, however if there are any doubts surely they should have a plan in place to review the situation and implement a course of events if their findings become conclusive. There are doubts so where is the plan?.
As a parent if you have any reason to think that this bumper is responsible for any undue risk to your or any other children then YOU should do the responsible thing can replace it. In the world of karting £50 spent on the conversion kit would hardly be noticed particularly when you could easily waste £50 on carb repair kits in a weekend without even thinking about it. If this prevents any child being injured who in the their right mind wouldn't do it.