Just SHOW us the results of these 'tests'.
However, it does depend on what YOU are calling a 'Neck Brace'. The Leatt device (at around £300) may WELL be different, however, if you BOTHER to read the claims, you'll note that not a SINGLE karting 'group' has supported it's use. Various motorbike manufacturers have approved it but NO kart manufacturers are listed. The ONLY mention of a Motorsports Body approving it is listed as being the MSA........ however, if you BOTHER to read it, you'll note it is NOT the British MSA but the body called "Motorsport South Africa" . There are NO othe national motor racing authorities listed AT ALL! Why NOT?
That's BIZARRE! I can't find a motor-racing body who DOESN'T specify a minimum grade of Crash Helmet but we can only find ONE that will put its name on ANY neck support! Can't you see how PECULIAR that is????
However, many people assume the 'Sparco Helmet Support' type unit (around £27) are 'neck braces'. Just try to find a claim by ANY such manufacturer that their products will do ANYTHING like you seem to imagine! What they WILL claim is that it help you withstand high CORNERING G forces..... not high IMPACT G forces!
My son is a 'fighter pilot' (fast jet) and he takes between 4 and 9 G EVERY DAY! Do the RAF or A*N*Y other AF even ALLOW a neck brace to be used?
Why don't Formula 1 drivers use a neck brace? They use a Han device which is an ENTIRELY different object as it is (effectively) part of the SEAT BELT. If the neck brace works in karting, what STOPS it working in an F1 car at VASTLY higher risks!
I am NOT saying that they do NOT work and I have NEVER said so..... what I AM saying is what is the TRUTH..... I have not seen ANY INDEPENDENT PROOF that they do what YOU are claiming in KARTING!
Wear one if YOU want to..... just don't be TO smug about it.... you have NO proof that they help IN KARTING!
Prove me wrong: show me the tests that have been done!