You really DON'T have the capacity to think, do you, Doink!
READ what I wrote and then read what YOU wrote! You'll note that they AGREE EXACTLY!
Ford had ZERO input into the engine! The ONLY thing they did was to give £100,000 development cost.
If you WANT chapter and verse of how Chapman linked Keith to Harley Copp and then Walter Hayes to proceeed with the project and how Colin ended up feeling cheated in the matter, I can GIVE it to you! I can also tell you how it VERY nearly ended up as the ASTON Cosworth.... but for David Brown's usual dithering!
For once, we AGREE on the matter.... you're just too thick to REALISE it....
The £100,000 was agreed by the PUBLIC AFFAIRS Department (PR) of Ford and NOT the Engineering arm (of which Harley Copp was VP, Britain).
.... which explains PRECISELY why I stated:-
" as though they [Ford] had ANY input into the DESIGN of THAT motor"
Ford had ZERO design input into that motor.... except that their Oval Logo should be cast into the Cam Covers!
Other than the fact that Chapman was the PRIME MOVER in the process with Keith and that he linked them to Walter and Harley.... I cannot IMAGINE why you thought that I thought the DFV was a Lotus.... I certainly never did and I certainly never CLAIMED it, either!
However, you clearly know best so... please show me EXACTLY where I have claimed the DFV WAS a 'Lotus'!