Errrrr...... one of us is supposed to old..... and even I have problems remembering when Lotus put FORD engines in their cars.....
Of course, if you are silly enough to think that the Harry Mundy design which happened to use SOME Ford components was actually a FORD..... then I am not surprised that you are confused.
However, perhaps you actually BELIEVE the Cosworth DFV was a Ford...... as though they had ANY input into the DESIGN of THAT motor......
I suspect that the last Ford engine that went into a road-Lotus was in the final Lotus Seven series 4... around THIRTY SEVEN years ago......
If you want to CALL the twin cam a Ford..... then the last one of THOSE was fitted was into to the last Europa (which I, personally, sold!) in 1975..... and that's 35 years ago......
And I thought **I** was old...... That's more than TWO THIRDS of my LIFETIME ago.....
....and if we are remembering ancient saying about cars..... how about the (still relevant today) saying:-
Four wheels and board makes a bl**dy good Ford...