Is this a record 2 scams in one hour? The second email reads: - Good to read from you Alen , I am currently working in ireland so i cant come to see it for now , But i am okay with your final asking price and every condition of the item. So kindly consider the item sold to me and turn other offers down. Concerning payment , i will issue out a cheque ( Sure its a uk bank cheque) to you which will inclusive of an excess money meant for my shipper. When you get the cheque cashed at your bank , deduct your selling price and get the excess money sent to my shipper . As soon as my shipper receives the money they will come over to your place to pick up the item ,So let me have you name as you want it to appear in the cheque, address, city , postcode and phone number so payment could be issued out to you. I look forward to read from you soon. His email address is : - David Clark []