Rye House has indeed gradually been improved substantially over recent years. The access “road”, however, is of course just as bad as that at Lydd – I presume that area at Rye is beyond the control of Motorsport World. My point is that I can live with my trailer getting shaken about on approach; the priority should be the paddock - where we spend the day. As has been said numerous times already in this thread, appearance is important (and Daytona do of course know how to get that right). I assume that, from the perspective of a first-time visitor to Rye (probably more likely, and more importantly, a hire driver / “corporate” customer), the initial poor impression given by the access road is at least dispelled upon getting onto the site. It is also unsurprising that, at Rye, the last area to get attention has been the owner/driver paddock, and it could use more tidying up. But it is on the whole out of sight of the hire/corporate customers. At Lydd the owner/driver area is also where hire drivers spend their time. That will hopefully encourage the earliest possible refurbish.
Finally on the clockwise vs. anti-clock at Lydd: it’s great both ways, but my vote ultimately goes for clockwise. Yet anti-clock can have one big advantage: if you’ve hurt your left-side ribs at a clockwise track elsewhere.
PS: We were at Rye today. Thanks very much indeed to those of you who let us use your large awning! It was much appreciated on this wet day.