If you are happy with easykart great, as I said above get over to http://www.easykart.co.uk/forum/ and preach to the converted.MSA karting has enough problems of its own without you three extolling its virtues on here.
My view is that karting should be about racing within the MSA’s rules not some cross between corporate karting and Club 100.
It is not by chance that easykart follows the successful business model of Club100 given that they organise their meetings, let me ask you all this one, why do you bother with easykart? Why not just go Club100 it would cost you less?
You say an easykart is cheap to buy and yes it is at least at first, you buy the rest of it later when you have to buy all (and I do mean all) of your parts for the engine and chassis from the easykart organisation at the prices they set. Now let’s talk about technical input, fixed castor/camber, fixed gearing, so you are basically left with front and rear track and tyre pressures, a bit like TKM’s old rules but with the fixed gearing.
Now if all of this is what you want fine, I just wonder how you can all be happy not being stretched by visiting drivers who may or may not be better than you, how you can be happy not racing where you choose.
The bottom line however is that you are karting, I just hope that one day when you have learned all you can in easykart you will come back to some real racing.