I'm already there just put 'karting' or some of our more famous circuits, it's where all my best stuff is stored.
But once again like YouTube this is a social networking site, that has strict rules about commercial use,where what I'm talking about is needed is web portal that provides free to air (as a promotional tool) quality video dedicated to so called minority sports, not just peoples helmet cams and home videos but proper programming of sports.
The tech specs and all the expense in "broadcast television" relates to the format delivery (which in turn is then compressed again to lower quality for transmission) also things like whites are limited to 97% of total White (you can hav things like 105% White, which in the days analogue tv might blow up a tv) audio has to be limited to a narrow dB so viewers don't get annoyed with adjusting volume, and limited to 12mins between ad breaks, etc. All of which mean considerable expense (and extra cost) when you'd like your karting on tv, and your championship asks put tenders out to production companies... And NONE of it matters to you, you just want to see as much of your karting as possible, this is the advantage of the Internet. You don't need it. Oh but it's tv, while you think it's great, and you think potential sponsors will hear 'tv' and open there wallets, it's a small subscription audience on motors, and even sky, could you reach the same audience across the web with as much content, at considerably less cost, cos you're not paying £500 a day for a cameraman and a broadcast format camera x 5, plus the same again broadcast legal delivery in post production?
But you need a cheap high quality video platform on the web where video can be legitimately exploited on a commercial basis. this I contend is the future for sports like karting make cheap enough and relatively simple enough that championships could reach a wider audience, by diy...