I can say this officially that it is a kick in the teeth for NatSKA however, please show the respect due to Mr Tew he is getting people interested in karting which is the most important thing, regardless of where people go on to race, it could be MSA, corporate, Car racing or other forms of motorsport.
The question of people are moving from BSKC to MSA racing is a challenging question for the MSA to justify, which I am sure they can and will be honourable, allocating funds is their business and NatSKA has and does benefit from them constantly, even if this is in the background.
I don’t know Mr Tew, nor have I ever spoken with him, but the natural relationship between the BSKC and NatSKA is close and can form a natural progression through karting championships as a feeder system… lets not drive a stake between two very good organisations in karting.
You guys should be thanked for your passionate responses though, there are some great arguments here for the benefits and advantages of each organisation, I would ask though that people consider both parties and keep their personal opinions of the people involved to themselves.