I have a few beginner questions I'm afraid... Some relate to tkm, some relate to karting in general...
1. In tkm, how does a clutched engine work? Obviously in a car you press the clutch before stopping and it prevents a stall, but there is no clutch pedal on a kart? Or is there a handle or button or something? Can you still stall a clutched engine in a spin? And how do you start a kart with a clutched engine, obviously it isn't TaG so do you still have to push start, where exactly is the difference between it and a dd engine?
2. What is clutch slip? Does it happen in tkm aswell as rotax?
3. I've been told stories of people paying £10k for cadet engines because the engine rebuilders check which are the best parts and test them all in different combos to get the best performance. I've been assured by tal ko this can't and doesn't happen in tkm, what prevents this happening?
4. In a normal msa club meeting, how does Saturday practice usually work? How do the heats work? Does everyone get through to the pre final and final or are people knocked out at any stage depending on their finish position? How much track time do you get in the whole weekend or just the Sunday race meeting?
5. How much track time do you normally get on a non weekend test day?
Thankyou for any answers!