Both my boys started in Honda Cadet, racing at Dunks and Clay, and we have no regrets at all. They are great circuits, and everyone is incredibly helpful. Honda is by far the cheapest way to get into karting, and a great way to let your child learn race craft without also having to learn the finer points of carb adjustment at the same time! A Honda engine capable of winning at National level will cost about one third of an equivalent Comer, it will always start, it will need minimal maintenance, and be worth exactly the same amount of money at the end of the season as the beginning (oh, and you'll only need one engine for practice and race, rather than several). I have seen lots of newbies start in Comer and give up - it's very expensive to be legally competitive, motors are good one week, poor the next, carbs are an absolute nightmare, and you're never quite sure whether it's the driver or the kit. My youngest boy has raced Comer for the last 2 years, so I have no particular allegiances. Go Honda!