Of COURSE they can..... if you fit them to a piece of SH*T chassis with joke tyres as is fitted to THAT sort of kart!
But, if your idea of fun is sitting still smoking tyres but.... I just have to say... you really ARE in the wrong sport if this is your thing!
It's like the people who went to see Pete Townsend smash his guitars rather than going to listen to him PLAY the damned thing! If that's what you want, then you really ARE in the wrong place! Honestly, only real SADDOs get turned on by donuts... of either sort! Donuts are NOT difficult to do, they do NOT show you have any skill and they only prove the rider/driver (and on-lookers) would be happier at a World Wrestling fight or a Cage Fight than at a RACE!
Still, if it turns you on... go and buy the thing and don't give a second thought to the result of accident which WILL occur on that thing!
As I asked before, are you the sort of person who would be 'impressed' if I took a kid's bike and added an engine from a high-speed-train? What would be the DIFFERENCE between that and the kart on Ebay?