Adam- "god knows why youd want to camp friday for the last couple of rounds anyway...dark by time you get the tent up anyway, and bloody cold!" ya big poof !! nothing wrong with bit of cold mate, especially when ya caravan has central heating !! ha ha Roger- - heater, Bar, ciggy machine, lap dancers will be sorted for next meeting.. but only for the hard core campers. Can't wait for the Fridays to be reinstated, we all know how much of a giggle we all have at Hooton. Bring on the hang-overs, bottoms up and see yo all at Hooton. Steve Morton- - see your back in the seat bud, you gonna start camping with the real campers and not the fairys ? ha ha ROLL ON HOOTON, fun WILL be had, WELL DONE BOB and ALL at Hooton for giving us all a great track and loads of fun.