You confuse me with somebody who has a huge cheque book. You obviously do not know me because if you did you would know this. I believe my son is a very talented driver (his results speak for themselves) but I do not expect him to go any further because of finacial reasons. The one thing I do not have is either the time nor the money to go out testing to find out what is the optimum grease and amount, so you see £130 is a small price to pay for a level playing field. Lets not forget hear Alan a small amount of grease on the bearing is deemed to be okay, but the amount of grease that was being used was a deliberate attempt to gain an advantage over fellow competitors and that in my book is CHEATING and although it was Rotax who made the rod for their own back it still goes very much against the grain with me. You are not involved in top level uk karting I don't think (correct me if I am Wrong) so until you are you would not understand. All my son and myself want to do is compete at as fairer playing field as possible on the budget we are on and allow him to show off his talent and enjoy it, is that so wrong. Paul