I'm fine with the video being posted , Its fine , hands up i took out kelvyns rad , although i did not know until he told me afterwards as he pulled away in from of me , and i felt he had gone wide and went for a move up the inside.
It didn't come off but hey sometimes thats the way it goes . Had there been a CoC call up i would have put how i saw the incident , if kelvyn feels it looks bad , and for the fairness of showing it wasn't the "clubs" fault i am quite happy for him to post the video link .
I can't be fairer than that , and since being back at rye i have been in front of the clerk once but because i was on the recieveing end of a lung into the centre hairpin , it was delt with we both shook hands and we both have a beer afterwards , neither of us moaned on here either .
Kelvyn , don't let it keep you from rye , i don't consider myself to be one of the problem drivers , and knowbody has ever taken issue , please if anyone feels that way come have a cuppa tea and a friendly chat in the awning .
In fact kelvyn please show the vid link so everyone can learn from it , myself included , maybe i shouldn't have made the move and maybe it looks awful on tape .
if you don't want to post it here then mail it to harv@hazelnet.org
and if you feel an apology is due and once i have seen it i feel then same then i'll publicly appologise , can't really be fairer than that can i ?