Saxon told me Swissauto, Biland 300 hours, Vampire 50 hours. They where vague about rebuild prices as it depends what needs doing. Talking to owners suggests anything from £350 to £1200.
I agree with Kai about the comparison with the Aixro being odd. When I was looking I think the website quotes rebuilds as “once in a blue moon”? Getting information on the cost was on a par with getting Sandra Bullocks phone number. I think it is odd compared to the others because the others are, or can be, restricted to about 28 bhp and race with other karts at practice days and some non MSA race meetings. It seems to me with the Aixro you have to:- A: do the Aixro series, B: find some other people with them to race, C: find some gearbox karts to race, D: drive round really quickly on your own until you get bored. Kai said “As an ownership and driving experience, it’s in a completely different league to the above three”, but so is a Ferrari F40 and that's about as much use at the tracks I goto.