Received the MSA mag - Motorsports Now this morning. Look at page 35, Common regulations for competitors: safety (C(c)) dates of proposed implementation: recommended 01 01 2010, mandatory 01 01 2011. 93.1 (Helmet Standards) International and MSA national kart racing events(with the exception of drivers under 15 years of age) - Snell K98 and K2005 - Snell/FIA CMR2007 - Snell/FIA CMS2007 Drivers under 15 years of age. The weight of the helmet may be checked at any time during an event and must not weigh more than 1550g: - Snell/FIA CMR2007 - Snell/FIA CMS2007
Reason: Recognised as a big step forward in safety. There should be no problem with availability and CIK is to mandate for drivers under 15 years of age from 01 01 2010!
Now I have done some research on this and the following helmets are CMR (Children’s Motorsports RESTRICTED field of vision)list updated as of 28/7/09: ARAI - CK6 B2 - RZ31KY Bell racing Europe - KC3CMR
SNELL CERTIFIED CMS2007 SNELL/FIA CMS (Children’s motorsport STANDARD) FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION ACTIVE LIST - 7/28/2009 NONE ON THE LIST - although most karters use a restricted field of vision full face helmet so this standard won’t be used in karting I don’t think?
As the SK5 is Snell K2005 you will be OK if you are 15 and over, however if you are under 15 then you will have to have the CMR/CMS lid from 01 01 2010. The only one readily available in the UK from the list toady is the Bell KC3 - £340ish. B2 helmet is available from Germany at E455 and the Arai CK6 is going to be available - but no one has any stock.......i rang them, and phoenix the distributor and demon tweeks the reseller - not available until November at £370ish plus VAT - Merry Xmas!!!!!! and if your 14 YO kid has a head bigger than 60cm......