Ian are you out of your mind mate? Reread my first post and see what I asked and then read what you replied. I am not a “god” neither have I “played” with F3 cars as you probably mean it. I may not have posted here before, but it doesnĒt mean that I donĒt know anything or I am 5 sec off the pace as you classified me as. Since your second post I told you that I disagree with your approach and you opened fire…
Only my poor ribs know how much IĒve burnt in the seat and I donĒt fancy taking it as a reply to “Please tell me about Pi data logger and how it compares to Mychron”. I lap consistently within a few 100ths of a second and I know very well the benefits of DL to such situations, where youĒve maxed your set and youĒve run out of options and you need something to analyse, because the max rpm and max engine temp per lap my alfano displays is far from enough to understand whatĒs going on. Plus I d**n like analysing data, whatĒs the problem with that???
Paul gave an excellent reply and I seriously appreciate and respect that. John on the other hand mentioned that I am set up for a fall but in fact I didnĒt mean to sound like that at all, I read this forum more than a year and a half now and IĒve seen so many interesting opinions and serious ppl around. But, I got p**sed off when ppl just hit you with irrelevant from what you asked things, just because they want to say something. I just asked about a DL system, I didnĒt come in here saying “I p**s on everyone”!
John, thanks for the advice.
Dave I cannot agree more with the things IĒve read from you so far. You sound (or I do if you like) like my kind of guy. Windarab (latest) is ok although you have to spend hours over hours to setup your channels and maths correctly in order to avoid confusion, once you do that is quite enjoyable to work with (although I still prefer AIM and MOTEC systems). What annoys me is that you have to go through complicated functions to apply a simple filter to a channel, while other systems do it with a few clicks. Oh and the manual doesnĒt really help does it? :)
I think only now the thread takes the form I wished it did from the beginning. It seems that a well specced Mychron4-gps is very popular. To come back to my initial question, is that configuration enough for helping you analysing kart data or you need to end up spending the extra money for a more “proper” DL system as the Pi appears to be? If necessary I can comprehensively analyse the reason I am a bit reluctant towards the mychron if you want me to.
Let's aim for less argueing and cheers for some great replies among all.